Friday, September 30, 2011

Going Abroad

It has been an exciting time being involved with the continued growth of EnduroSolv and solid water treatment. A big part of the growth has been what has been happening abroad. APTech staff this year have visited England, Czech Republic, Canada, China and Thailand to spread the word on the solid line of cooling tower and boiler products. I'm sure moving forward we will visit many exciting new places, as well.

When I get to my computer in the morning it is amazing and now quite common to see a string of emails that happened over night during the work day in some other country. It was eye opening being in Shanghai and realizing that there was exactly a twelve hour time difference ... when my wife was going to bed in Cincinnati I was a couple hours into the next work day. It is just crazy to think while I have been sleeping away our customers are out spreading the word about EnduroSolv and APTech Group's whole line of products.

While we still strive to push our products in the US we will take every opportunity to grow abroad. A couple of us attended a manufacturing forum today and the focus was on exporting and sending US manufactured goods abroad. One of the speakers stated that exported goods only account for 11% of the US GDP. Today I was asked to guess what percentage of our business was abroad ... I guessed 10%. It turns out to be over 18%. Even as we are just getting started in this endeavor we are outpacing the average in exports and we look froward to the challenges of continuing to grow globally.

Whether your are reading this blog from somewhere in the US or at some far off corner of the globe, feel free to contact APTech Group about how we can help you with you water treatment needs. We've always felt our cooling tower and boiler products were world class ... now they are truly going worldwide!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Cool New Trade Show Display Tool

Last week, my colleague Kathleen Collier reported in this space on APTech’s successful attendance at the AWT (Association of Water Technologists) in Atlanta. I’d like to expand on that report and tell you about the hit of our booth – in addition to our sustainable solid water treatment products, of course – this cool iPad stand.

Undoubtedly, much of the cool factor was the iPad itself, which seamlessly allowed us to show our promotional video, information about our products and examples of EnduroSolv® solid water treatment installations. All in a nifty counter-height stand. (One tip – if plan on playing a video with sound, consider adding a set of external speakers. The iPad speaker didn’t cut through the trade show noise.)

As you can see, you can imprint your logo on the counter column sleeve, for branding reinforcement, And, the iPad Counter (that’s the product name) breaks down to fit into an oval-shaped briefcase sized carrying case for easy shipment or to check as luggage on a plane.

All for about $300. We got ours from our local promo products guy, but you can just search on “iPad Counter” on the web for vendors, if you’re interested.

Monday, September 19, 2011

2011 AWT Conference in Atlanta

We just finished up the expo at the 2011 AWT Conference in Atlanta. The turnout for the expo was great and, once again, we had a lot of interest in our EnduroSolv® line of solid water treatment products.

Many distributors were particularly interested in the tower attachment for our dissolving boards. These tower attachments are for use with the new five pound discs of EnduroSolv® cooling tower products. There are many advantages to this new design and we are looking forward to speaking with those distributors and helping to get these systems implemented.

Although it was a long week, it was great to see old friends and put faces to names of others we hadn’t yet had the pleasure of meeting in person. We are looking forward to getting back to work and planning our exhibit for the AWT conference in Palm Springs! Safe travels to all!

Posted on behalf of Kathleen Collier

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Anniversary of 9/11

Like most Americans, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing on September 11, 2001. I was sitting at my desk, working for a small start-up company in Lockland, Ohio. My wife called informing me of the horrific events unfolding on television. I stayed at my office that day, confused and not entirely aware of the severity of the attacks. Shocked and disbelief are the only words that can most closely relay how I was feeling during the time immediately following 9/11. I can hardly believe that ten years have passed since that life-altering day.

Ten years of change; ten years of progress.

The small start-up company I worked for, APTech Group, Inc. is now a thriving solid water treatment chemical manufacturer. In September of 2001, we were a two-man operation working out of a 600 square foot facility. APTech Group sold to a small number of customers in the United States. I humbly think back to 9/11 and am grateful for the success APTech Group has seen over the past ten years.

Today, we have twelve employees, and manufacture out of a 16,000 square foot facility. Our customers span the globe. The EnduroSolv® line of solid water treatment continues to help our clients to change the way their water treatment needs are met. EnduroSolv products provide an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to treat boiler and cooling towers. More importantly, as I reflect on 9/11, EnduroSolv® products are a safe way for facilities to meet their water treatment needs.

If you feel EnduroSolv® can be of benefit to your facility, please contact us to have one of our EnduroSolv® dealers meet with you.

And as we pause in these coming days to recall the horrible events of ten years ago, let’s remember our cherished freedoms and vow to never forget those who were injured or lost their lives on 9/11.

Posted on behalf of Todd Lee

Friday, September 2, 2011

Transporting Water Treatment Chemicals – A Worldwide Issue

Having recently visited China, I am awed by a society coping with the dramatic changes that have occurred during the past 25 years. The dynamics and pressures which influence a people so that they become adaptable seem to be a constant, wherever we live. One example would be the (barely) managed chaos I experienced in Shanghai while in the midst of the traffic flow among scooters, bicycles, autos and buses, all intermingled with huge buildings and infrastructure in a city with over 23 million citizens.

Moving materials within a city of this size is difficult – whether it be food, supplies, and yes, even water treatment products. It is not uncommon for a water treatment service rep in Shanghai to ride a bicycle or motorized scooter to his accounts. With EnduroSolv® solid concentrated products, the equivalent of 15 gallons of liquid water treatment product weighing 150 lbs. can now be easily carried in the storage compartment of the service rep’s bicycle with one bottle weighing 11 lbs.

Let EnduroSolv® products help with your adaptability-whether it’s an issue associated with Space, Transportation, Safety, or Sustainability. Click here for more information on EnduroSolv® products.

Posted on behalf of Jim Heimert