Friday, February 3, 2012

A Change for the Better

Starting today and lasting through the weekend APTechGroup is converting our email system from a pop mail server that we have subscribed to online for the past seven or eight years to a hosted exchange server. We are working with our IT vendor, PROOnCall, to complete this conversion. We made the decision to make the move to the hosted exchange because all of the benefits involved will be of great benefit to us. The pop server did its job and delivered us our email reliably and efficiently but there were just too many features that weren't available. The feature that I think will be most helpful is the shared calendar. As we have gotten busier and our staff has grown, being able to coordinate everyone's schedule and the company's events will be more critical to ensure that we take care of everything that needs to be handled.

Making this conversion today is taking a little bit of upfront effort and preparation. I'm sure it could be viewed as a hassle in the short term but everyone knows the long term benefits totally outweigh any minor hassles. Once the system is in place it will greatly simplify some of our day to day tasks.

I think this could be analogous to changing your water treatment program from liquid products to solid water treatment products like EnduroSOLV. There are certainly some extra considerations needed when implementing the solid products but as is the case with the exchange server, the long term benefits totally outweigh any perceived short term hassles. So, if you are considering making the change to solid cooling tower and boiler products and some of the hassles in the short term seem daunting just remember that the long term benefits far outweigh those concerns.

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