Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New App Available to Calculate Water Treatment Indices

Wouldn’t it be great be able to easily figure out a Langelier index at a customer site, while there in the field?

Well, we have recently become aware of a new, free mobile app that lets you calculate Langelier (LSI,) Ryznar (RSI) and Puckorius (PSI) indices right on your smart phone. The App was developed by a company called LXF Process Management Solutions, which develops specialized information management system software used in a variety of different industries.
At this point, the App is only available for the Android platform. However, if you go to the web page to download the App, you will also be presented with the opportunity to let LXF know that you use an iPhone or iPad. This survey would suggest that LXF has plans to develop the App for these devises as well, once there is sufficient demand. Let’s hope so…

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